The first verse of Ephesians Chapter 4 encourages us to “live a life worthy of the calling
that we have received”. I don’t think that this is a statement referring to being a perfect
person or living a life free of mistakes. Instead, I find this statement to encourage us to
STRIVE to be better. Meaning that we encourage rather than tear down, we love rather
than spread hatred, and so forth. I don’t think that this verse means what a lot of people
take it to mean (that as Christians we are held to a high standard and are expected to be
perfect). We should strive to be perfect as Christ is perfect, but at the same time, God
recognizes and understands our humanity. Jesus did not come to this earth to be an
example in terms that “if He can do it, we can do it”. Jesus came to show us that it is
possible to live like the Perfect One. He came to show us that there IS redemption for our
mistakes. We don’t have to “live up to expectations” or worry about how bad we messed up.
None of that disqualifies us from being a child of God. I think so many people believe that if
they mess up, God won’t love them anymore and that simply is not the case. The TRUTH is in
the Word. The most generic Bible verse of all time, John 3:16, proves this very point. God so
LOVED the world that he gave up his son for you! The Word also says that while we were dead
in our sins, Christ died for us! He never would have sacrificed Himself for us if it weren’t for
incomprehensible love! Reading the book of Ephesians has really changed the way I view God.
I saw God as a supreme leader (Star Wars reference for all you fans :) ) who expected me to do
as instructed “or else”. I thought that if I messed up, I was forfeiting my Christianity and was no
longer worthy to call myself a child of God. I honestly believed that if I made a mistake, I was no
longer welcome in His presence until I “fixed” myself. I have to tell you friends that this is the
furthest delusion from the truth. God made you. He knows you better than you know yourself.
He understands your feelings, desires, and needs before you even know you have them.
After searching, I have found Him to be an extremely benevolent savior, father, and friend.
I have known about Him for years and thought I knew who He was, but I am realizing that
I have never truly known Him. I had made up characteristics for Him and worshiped my
preconceived ideas. This idea was nothing like Him whatsoever. I would have real encounters
with Him, but they would quickly fade away because I would fall back into the mindset that God
didn’t love me unless I was a blameless, spotless, sinless angel. After reading His Word more
and digging deep to find answers, I realized that it didn’t matter how much I screwed up or read
my Bible or went to church. None of that determined His love for me because He knew me
before the foundations of the world. He knew me before my first thought, before my first breath,
He knew me before my parents thought of me and before they were even born. And He loved me
before all that too. You see, there is NOTHING that I could do that would change God’s love for me.
Frankly, I don’t have that much power. The GOD of the UNIVERSE LOVES you. Ponder that for
a moment.