Now, I have to admit that I have been in this group of Christians for the majority of my life. Actually, I read the Bible on an average of MAYBE 1 minute a week. I would go to read and get distracted by something else or get discouraged because I didn't understand or because I would feel unworthy. I believe that these are the three main reasons for these shockingly low numbers.
It gets the best of us. In fact, I have gotten so distracted from writing this entry that I had to reread it about 4 times to be sure that I remembered what I had already said. I have gotten back into the swing of reading my Bible on almost a daily basis, but sometimes I still forget. This holiday season has been harder for me to read and study everyday because I have had so many places to go and so many things to do. I have had heartache and struggle and honestly, I just forgot. I got "too busy". I committed myself to too many things that I was tired and wanted to go to bed or take a break rather than getting refueled for the week. And it makes sense, right? Of course! We all go through points in our life that get hectic and we forget where our source is. I just want to tell you to not be discouraged when this happens because God does not require Bible study and prayer to be a Christian. With that being said, you still should read and pray, but you shouldn't feel guilty when you forget or are just really worn out. God doesn't judge your "performance", but rather the intent of the heart. He doesn't look at you like "well, Monica didn't read the Bible or pray today so she's disqualified and unloved". At lot of times, we think that God views us that way. We think that if we don't live a "perfect Christian" life, that we have failed God and He no longer wants any part with us. But the reality is that He loves you and He understands your humanity. He made you after all. He knows that we will never be perfect here on earth and he LOVES you beyond any and all flaws.
This can be devastating to your Christian walk if you let it. Sometimes the world around us gets us down and we feel hopeless due to circumstances. What we have to stand on through these times is the fact that our circumstances do not determine who we are as individuals and as children of God. You will have low points in your life. You will make mistakes. Things will go wrong. It is inevitable. But do not let these things define you. When I am discouraged, I stand on Psalm 121. If you are discouraged today, look it up and know that God is a refuge. As with distraction, God understands where you are. He understands being discouraged and feeling hopeless, but He wants you to know that you don't have to stay that way. No matter where you are, He is there. just take a look at all Job had to endure in his life. He felt hopeless and defeated, but the Lord had a promise for him and all was restored to an even greater measure. You may have to go through hard times when it seems that nothing is going right, but know that HIS plan is better and you will always end up on top of the situation with God by your side. I know all of that sounds super cheesy and it's probably the most clichè thing you have ever heard in your life, but I have found it to be so true. Seek Him through the times where you are discouraged!
A lot of times when you have one or both of these things already hitting you hard, you end up feeling so unworthy. You feel unworthy of the love that God so desires to wrap you in.You feel like you have messed things up to bad to be worthy of Him. As stated in my last entry, that could never be true. The love of God is far more complex and intimate than the human mind can comprehend. Think of the verse in Romans that says that nothing can separate you from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39)! There is nothing that you can do that will make you worthy His love because HE justifies you as worthy! He sent his son so that you could have life with Him! I know that also sounds cheesy, but it is so true. If you are having a day where you are feeling worthless, think upon the scriptures below and know that you are loved!
Isaiah 41:10
"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand."
Luke 12:7
"Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value that many sparrows."
2 Corinthians 4:8-9
"We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed."
Isaiah 43:4
"Because you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you, I give men in return for you, peoples in exchange for your life."
Romans 5:8
"But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
This can be devastating to your Christian walk if you let it. Sometimes the world around us gets us down and we feel hopeless due to circumstances. What we have to stand on through these times is the fact that our circumstances do not determine who we are as individuals and as children of God. You will have low points in your life. You will make mistakes. Things will go wrong. It is inevitable. But do not let these things define you. When I am discouraged, I stand on Psalm 121. If you are discouraged today, look it up and know that God is a refuge. As with distraction, God understands where you are. He understands being discouraged and feeling hopeless, but He wants you to know that you don't have to stay that way. No matter where you are, He is there. just take a look at all Job had to endure in his life. He felt hopeless and defeated, but the Lord had a promise for him and all was restored to an even greater measure. You may have to go through hard times when it seems that nothing is going right, but know that HIS plan is better and you will always end up on top of the situation with God by your side. I know all of that sounds super cheesy and it's probably the most clichè thing you have ever heard in your life, but I have found it to be so true. Seek Him through the times where you are discouraged!
A lot of times when you have one or both of these things already hitting you hard, you end up feeling so unworthy. You feel unworthy of the love that God so desires to wrap you in.You feel like you have messed things up to bad to be worthy of Him. As stated in my last entry, that could never be true. The love of God is far more complex and intimate than the human mind can comprehend. Think of the verse in Romans that says that nothing can separate you from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39)! There is nothing that you can do that will make you worthy His love because HE justifies you as worthy! He sent his son so that you could have life with Him! I know that also sounds cheesy, but it is so true. If you are having a day where you are feeling worthless, think upon the scriptures below and know that you are loved!
Isaiah 41:10
"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand."
Luke 12:7
"Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value that many sparrows."
2 Corinthians 4:8-9
"We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed."
Isaiah 43:4
"Because you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you, I give men in return for you, peoples in exchange for your life."
Romans 5:8
"But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
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